Monday, November 25, 2019

Population of undifferentiated cells Essay Example

Population of undifferentiated cells Essay Example Population of undifferentiated cells Essay Population of undifferentiated cells Essay Background The term stem cell refers to a population of uniform cells that has the potency of turning into any specialized cell of the organic structure. These cells have two particular features. First, they must be able to self-renew. When the cell divides during cell division, one of the two girl cells produced is a root cell. This method allows for the care of the population of the root cells since some cells need to be preserved in order for the rhythm to go on. Another feature is their ability to give rise to differentiated cells. When a root cell undergoes cell division, it gives rise to two girl cells, a root cell and a precursor molecule. This precursor undergoes another unit of ammunition of division before the girl cells produced develop into a differentiated or partly differentiated cell type. Embryonic root cells are derived from the embryos. They have the possible to develop into any peculiar cell type whereas big root cells have a more limited potency. Here, the root cells from one peculiar tissue type can merely develop into another cell in the same tissue. They are by and large required to give rise to stem cells that are used to replace those that are worn out or have been damaged. The fertilization of an egg and a sperm gives rise to a fertilized ovum. This fertilized ovum contains all the familial information necessary for the development of a new person. It is said that the fertilized ovum is totipotent as every cell has the capacity of turning into a differentiated cell. The fertilized ovum so changes into a little ball of cells known as the blastodermic vessicle. The blastodermic vessicle consists of an interior mass of cells ( ICM ) which develops to go assorted cells and tissues of the immature embryo while the outer trophoblast, forms the placenta. Once the trophoblast attaches itself onto the uterine wall, gestation is established and the interior mass of cells, or embryoblast, becomes pluripotent. Pluripotency describes a province in which a cell may progress into more than one result. This period nevertheless, merely lasts for a short piece before the embryo begins to develop. Embryonic root cells are known as ES cells. Human ES cells have a normal k aryotype. They maintain high telomerase activity and perchance may let for abundant enlargement in civilization. Stem cells are besides found in grownups excessively. Cells found in the bone marrow, tegument, intestine and respiratory piece of land invariably give new root cells, while countries such as the liver and musculus merely contribute to replace cells that have been lost through normal aging or harm. ( Bioethics briefing UOE ) There is a limited turnover of root cells in the encephalon and pancreas. ( Multilineage distinction from human embryologic root cell lines ) Evidence suggests the presence of hibernating root cells exists in some variety meats. Scientists nevertheless, claim that these hibernating cells seldom become active. Adult root cells are described as multipotent. This means that the cell may give rise to daughter cells from multiple, but still limited figure of line of descents. In many grownup cell types, root cell activity decreases as the age of the single readily additions. The Derivation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines The totipotent fertilized ovum loses its ability to bring forth all the necessary tissues for nidation and fetal development when it divides leting for the formation of the pluripotent mammalian blastodermic vessicle ( Lines derived from individual blastomeres of 2 4-cell sage embryos ) . Human embryologic root cells, or helium cells, have the full potency of distinguishing into any specialized cell in the organic structure and so to look into this farther, several experiments have been carried out in the last few old ages. Surveies have been carried out in order to better civilization conditions, familial changes and distinction techniques to bring forth cells feasible for organ transplant or even drug testing. ( Derivation, growing and application ) However, the really first measure would be to bring forth uncontaminated, healthy cells. In order for successful derivation of human embryologic root cell lines, it is indispensable that there are a sufficient figure of embryos that are collected. Often the cleavage- phase embryos that have antecedently been derived by and left over from in vitro fertilisation intervention are donated with the givers consent. Majority of the cell lines that have been established have been from blastodermic vessicles between twenty-four hours 5 and 8 of their development. With the advanced engineering, these methods are being modified and assorted other techniques are besides being applied to bring forth consequences with increased success rates. The helium cells are obtained from the interior mass of cells of a blastodermic vessicle. helium cell lines were successfully derived from the ICM in 1998 for the really first clip by Thompson et Al. Five helium cell lines were derived and harmonizing to Thompson, they fulfilled his definition of a archpriest ES cell. The cells were obtained from the preimplantation embryo, the cells could go on to proliferate and stay in their uniform province and even after drawn-out civilization they were able to distinguish into all three germ beds of a human embryo viz. ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. ( Derivation and self-generated distinction of human embryologic root cells ) . These consequences were confirmed two old ages subsequently by Reubinoff et Al ( 2000 ) when two other ES cell lines had been established. ( Derivation, growing and applications ) . To get the cells from the ICM, the trophoblast bed of the blastodermic vessicle is removed automatically or utilizing immunosurgery and inner cell mass is so plated on mitotically inactivated mouse embryologic fibroblasts ( MEFs ) ( Derivation, growing and applications ) ( Derivation and self-generated distinction of human embryologic root cells. Amit M 2002 ) These are so cultured. Using symmetricalness division, the cells can go on to continue a stable population of root cells. They are besides capable of spliting unsymmetrically giving rise to two girl cells. While one girl cell resembles the female parent, the other can potentially distinguish into any cell of the early embryo. Using the mechanical method, the detached ICM cells either differentiate or bring forth cells that portion similar morphological features with helium cells and they test positive for alkalic phosphatase staining. They besides have normal karyotype. A popular method presents is immunosurgery. This involves the remotion of the trophectoderm cells with the assistance of antibodies that have been raised from either, BeWo cell, human serum or ruddy blood cells. The latter attack is highly dependable for the remotion of all the trophectoderm cells since in any instance if there were any cells staying, they would suppress the ICM from organizing. However an advantage the former procedure has is that it does non affect any antibodies, so the protocol remains comparatively simple and uncontaminated from animal-derived merchandises. ( Derivation, growing and application ) It has been proven that even aneuploid fertilized ovums can besides be used as a beginning for the coevals of normal helium cell lines and aneuploid helium cell lines. The latter could turn out to be utile for any types of research. Normal zygotes carry two pronuclei, one stand foring each parent. Some fertilized ovums nevertheless, that were given rise to by IVF carry one or three pronuclei. An advantage about the method that is used to obtain these cells is that they do non necessitate the mechanical method or immunosurgery. Blastocysts that were derived from aneuploid fertilized ovums frequently display an unusual morphology where it is hard to be able to separate between the ICM and the trophectoderm. Hence the method required the digestion of the zone pellucida and whole blastocycts were placed on inactivated MEFs. ( Derivation of a diploid human embryologic root cell line from a mononucleate fertilized ovum 2004 Edith Suss-Toby Human embryologic root cell lines have the potency of being used for regenerative medical specialty. For this ground, it is much preferred that a technique is used that does non necessitate the usage of animate being merchandises. About all of the experiments that have been carried out in order to develop the cell lines have used carnal merchandises. Immunosurgery requires the usage of merchandises such as anti-human anti-serum and guinea hog complement. Some claim that immunosurgery must be circumvented for future clinical tests since the animate being derived merchandises may pollute the ICMs and the cell lines that are derived from at that place. On the other manus, the mechanical method depends on the proficient accomplishments of the single transporting out the dissection, the chemical disintegration may damage the cells. Dissection by a non-contact optical maser may be the following best alternate for hatching and dissection of ICM cells from the TE cells. This attack is every bit efficient as the efficiencies suggested by the immunosurgery studies. ( Laser-assisted derivation of human embryologic root cell lines from IVF embryos after preimplantation familial diagnosing T. Turetsky 2007 ) Another method of the derivation of helium cells is from embryos that have been reconstructed utilizing the bodily cell atomic transportation techniques ( SCNT ) . This was conducted by Hwang et Al ( 2004 ) . The method requires the transportation of the karyon of a bodily cell into an enucleated giver oocyte. The cytol of this oocyte would so hush all the cistrons of the bodily cell, and activate the cistrons involved with the development of the embryo. The ICM cells would so be obtained from the cloned preimplanted embryo. ( Evidence of a Pluripotent Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line Derived from a Cloned Blastocyst Woo Suk Hwang 2004 ) Success rates in driving helium cell lines depends on the status of the blastodermic vessicles, the conditions they were isolated in, and the experience of the group. It is hard to indicate out the most successful method since some research groups publish the figure of embryos donated while others merely mention the Numberss of blastodermic vessicles used. Similarly, it is besides really likely that the published consequences are non to the full accurate. While some research groups may hold used legion embryos but were non able to bring forth any helium cell lines, others may hold successfully derived the cell lines but the consequences were non deemed successfully advanced and so consequences were non published. ( Derivation, Growth and Application ) The Growth of Undifferentiated Human Embryonic Stem Cells The civilization of ICM cells invariably requires the feeder beds. Any civilizations that take topographic point on MEFs demand to be replaced every two hebdomads so that they can go on to back up the uniform and proliferative root cells. ( Culture and Maintenance of Human Embryonic Stem Cells ) Some research workers believe that the feeder beds are non the optimal medium for the enlargement of the civilization as there is a high chance of the taint by cross-transfer of infective agents. Under feeder-free conditions, there have been important differences in the look of some cistrons and telomere length. Due to these differences, it is suggested that the media is suboptimal for the distinction of helium cell lines. ( Derivation, growing and application ) However, one time the civilized cells have been removed from the feeder bed, they are so put into a suspension civilization and the helium cells aggregate into bunchs of differentiated and uniform cells. These multicellular groups of cells are known as embryoid organic structures, EBs. The EBs advancement through a series of stairss ; between twenty-four hours 7 and 14 of station distinction development, they grow to go cavitated and cystic EBs. Human ES cells may develop into a trophoblast in civilization and besides produce a-fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin into the civilization medium. The civilization survey finally would bring forth post-mitotic terminally differentiated cell types but this would depend on the conditions they were raised in. Here it is evident that helium cells in civilization represent a unrecorded theoretical account that may be used to analyze placental development. ( multilineage distinction from human embryologic root cell lines ) It is claimed that human ES cell lines have an advanced and a really consistent development. It has been observed that while the embryoid organic structures were developing, the civilizations showed grounds of different morphologies. This included catching cardiomyocytes, pigmented and non-pigmented epithelial cells and developing nervous cells. Harmonizing to Schuldiner et Al, uniform ES cell and differentiated EBs expressed receptors for legion growing factors that would consequence the development of the embryo in vivo. However, none of these growing factors allowed for distinction to one particular cell type. ( multilineage distinction from human embryologic root cell lines ) It is non merely the feeder bed that acts as a reverse for big scale production of helium cell lines, another hinderance is the clip period for the population of helium cells to duplicate. It takes about 36 hours for the figure of human embryologic cells to increase in a double sum. ( Derivation, Growth and Application ) A survey claimed that on running an array-CGH to look into for genomic rearrangements, duplicates and omissions were found in the blasotocyst-derived helium cell lines. A procedure called G-banding was so used for a elaborate observation. This was done by staining condensed chromosomes in order to detect the karyotype. It was believed that the abnormalcies were non due to the female parent s age, in fact the consequences of the experiments that were carried out strongly suggested that they were acquired in civilization. ( Human embryonic root cell lines derived from individual blastomeres of two 4-cell phase embryos Mieke Geens ) Often, the prolonged in vitro civilization, leads to high distinction rates and genomic instability. There is grounds of other cell lines exhibiting trisomy, aneuploidy and deviant X chromosomes. ( Derivation, Growth and Application ) Evidence suggests that each single helium cell line carries a alone genotype. This alone genomic sequence can be traced to the ICM of the blastodermic vessicle and it is expected that each cell line may be determined by the typical genomic discrepancies it carries. In order to see whether or non each cell line expressed signature cistrons, reflective of the discrepancies carried by each cell line, an appraisal took topographic point. helium cell lines were differentiated into the entoderm, mesoblast and exoderm and the similarities and differences of cistron look were recorded. ( Alone cistron look signatures of independently-derived human embryologic root cell lines ) It was clear that even though all helium cell lines were cultured under same conditions they still did non hold the same familial profile. When Abeyta et Al. ( 2004 ) were comparing three helium cell lines, it was concluded that 52 % of the cistrons found were expressed in all cell lines and 48 % of the cistrons was me rely expressed in one or two cell lines. ( Derivation, Growth and Application ) The initial cistron look surveies on helium cell lines suggested that the derived functions may be induced to show endoderm cistrons. This includes, pancreatic islet cistrons and insulin, somatostatin, glucagon and hepatocyte atomic factor 3 beta. It is nevertheless, still non known if the complete distinction into pancreatic cells will take to the growing of a population of big islet cells and the production of insulin. Nevertheless, the information suggests that the ES cells can trip the cistrons required for the development of all three EG beds in civilization. ( multilineage distinction from human embryologic root cell lines ) Curative Potential of Human Embryonic Stem Cells Although the survey of helium cells is still in its development phases, there is much hope for the success of the research. Theoretically, the survey can let the production of an unlimited beginning of cells that can easy distinguish into any other type of cell. They may be used to handle malignances, degenerative diseases, familial diseases, rednesss and infections and injury. helium cells can distinguish into cardiomyocytes from the embryoid organic structures. Since the attacks that have evolved have a high output from murine ES cells, the really same protocol is used in order to straight derive cardiomyocytes from helium cells. One such method was carried our by the usage of 5-aza-2deoxycytodine which enhances the distinction. The myocytes produced nevertheless, are immature and are consistent with fetal myocytes in footings of their construction and growing. This suggests that the developmental tract it that of an embryo instead than an grownup. In order for the myocytes to go clinically utilized, methods have to be able to give a bigger and purified population of cells. helium cells could potentially go a beginning for engraftable bosom cells, or other tissues. For ingrafting to be possible, one specific type of cell is required. An illustration would be in the instance of a myocardial infarction, ventricular myocytes would be required. If alternatively a sinus-nodal type of cell was added, it would turn out to be deadly. Ideally, the helium cells derived, would be transgenes free in order to take any possible method of taint that would come in the manner of the experiment. However, the transgenic tract may be used to understand the developmental tract better and this could be helpful to develop civilization conditions that would help the research without the usage of transgenes. Possibly the usage of a suicide cistron would be more utile. This manner in instance any of the grafted helium derived cells malfunction, a drug can be administered to eliminate the grafted cells. Hematopoietic root cells ( HSCs ) are the best understood cells which have been characterised and experimented with to a great extent. These cells do non back up long term grafts until late it has been discovered that cistrons that enhance hox cistrons such as hoxB4 drama a major function in advancing high blood chimerism in animate beings with grafts. While some research workers suggest the tract can do the cells to get belongingss that are characteristic to adult haematopoietic other surveies suggest the tract gives rise to a peculiar root cell erratically during cell distinction. However, surveies must be carried out sing how to reproduce these haematopoietic cells under specific conditions that will take to an efficient output. The bone marrow has been comparatively easy to analyze since HSCs have been readily accessible. Some niches nevertheless, are non accessible, that these cause major obstructions. It is indispensable that the niche of the root cells is equal for self-renewal, growing and distinction. In instances such as Fanconi s anemia, a graft could bring around the disease when the bond marrow fails due to an intrinsic defect of the hemapoietic root cells. Any disease that would destruct the root cell niche, for illustration myelofibrosis, a bone marrow graft would non be able to fixate the harm. Other conditions would include hepatic cirrhosis and Burnss. Although the mentioned conditions might be able to profit from the therapy somewhat, for maximised consequences they will hold to be accompanied with therapies that are aimed at pathophysiologic procedure of the cell that is being replaced. The development of the of the cardinal nervous system takes topographic point in early cell distinction, this is apparent as neural tissue is present in the embryoid organic structures. The neural tissue is a really specialized tissue where each type of cell has specific maps hence, it is indispensable that directed derivation is achieved. However, there are several hurdlings that must be overcome, since the derivation was non the lone debatable part. The cells must be surgically inserted into at the appropriate site. Unlike the cells of the haematopoietic system, the cells here do non come back to their right location via the blood stream. Although the synaptic connexions are fictile, the system starts organizing during fetal development. In order for efficient operation to take topographic point, the freshly synthesised cells will hold to incorporate into the bing, and to the full formed nerve cells. One hypothesis states that possibly the cells could be delivered in a precursor province which will develop into a proper niche when targeted and will turn in vivo. An advantage to this method would be that the growing of the embryologic root cells would help in the formation of the fictile connexions. The add-on of grownup nerve cells could turn out to be more complicated and integrating might non be able to be re-established. This could ensue in epileptiform and it could develop unsuitably in situ giving rise to assorted defects and tetratoma formations. A major issue is that organ transplant frequently leads to weave rejection. The immune system frequently responds to any alloantigen on the graft. This may be in the signifier of histocompatibility composites and ABO blood group antigens. In an uniform province, the root cells would show a low sum of MHC-1, nevertheless, in differentiated cells in vitro there is an addition in look by up to 2-4 crease. Although this look is much lower than that in the bodily cells, the addition can do the helium cell non to be a HLA lucifer and hence, destroyed in a mode that is dependent on T cells. One manner of get the better ofing this is by making helium cell Bankss nevertheless, a disadvantage is that the allele combination of the three MHC-1 cistrons can bring forth upto 11 million haplotypes and a diploid combinations. Possibly familial technology could be used as a method that would let for the formation of immunologically matched cell lines, this scheme nevertheless, is merely theoretical. Curative potency of embryologic root cells. Paul H. Ethical Issues Revolving Around Human Embryonic Stem Cells Most of the arguments that revolve around embryologic root cells are related to whether or non it is morally right to halt embryonic development. Those who oppose the thought believe that embryos should be allowed to develop. They regard the embryo as an person the minute the fertilized ovum is formed. Each fertilized ovum turns into a blastodermic vessicle that is implanted in the womb, and each fetus grows to go an single. They believe that from this minute onwards the fertilized ovum carries a alone DNA sequence that has neer existed before, and it neer will once more. Although, the genotype is merely one component of an person, in some instances, some advocators label this as slaying. It is true that harmonizing to science a life is formed at the blink of an eye that the egg and the sperm fuse. Yet it is besides true that we do non hold an duty towards the embryo at every phase of its development. Our duty increases as the embryo develops into an person. So, once and for all it can be said that the monetary value of an embryo is a much smaller monetary value to pay than the monetary value of an grownup person. Human embryologic root cells the German argument. Engels EM. Even though the embryo has the right to populate from the really start, those who oppose human embryologic root cell research and support the embryos claim that life does non depend on any of their cognitive or bodily characteristics . Human embryologic root cells the German argument. Engels EM Supporters believe that merely because the embryo does non hold the ability to ground or communicate is non a valid ground non to protect the embryo. They believe that merely if the female parent s wellness is under life baleful conditions, merely so can the babe be aborted and it will be ethically justified. Techniques such as SCNT are seen as condemnable offenses in states such as Germany. The transportation of familial information of one embryo into another embryo, fetus or person is considered illegal since it does non move to be in favor of the protection of the embryo. Human embryologic root cells the German argument. Engels EM With this sentiment, whether the root cells are left over from IVF or if they have specifically been created for the experiment besides does non turn out to be a valid ground for destructing an person. Although the whole intent of the survey may be to cut down the agony of many people, some believe that the embryos must non pay this necessary cost of life. Some people are surely against this practical attack. UOE bioethics briefing ) There are nevertheless, a few other grounds as to why some people are against the usage of embryologic root cells. It is claimed that if root cells are allowed to be cloned, this may take to reproductive cloning to be allowed since it leads to the devaluation of human life. Many argue, that possibly alternatively leting research on embryologic root cells, possibly experiments should be carried out utilizing big root cells. UOE bioethics briefing ) When root cells are donated, there are assorted issues that besides have to be dealt with. For illustration, the consent signifier, the handiness of givers and ownership of cell lines established are merely some of the jobs that are involved with big root cells. Apart from these issues, in order to handle patients with root cell therapy, there must at least be sufficient cells to finish the intervention. While in some instances there are no root cells for a peculiar cell or tissue, in other instances they may be highly rare. The beta pancreatic cells for illustration, research workers have still non been able to happen the root cells in the organic structure. ( Perspectives on Human Stem Cell Research KYU WON JUNG* ) The extraction of the root cells from other cells may be complicated but the proliferative potency and the sum of clip they remain active for is much less than that of the helium cells in vitro. Another major disadvantage is the deficiency of chances for the survey of embryogenesis if big root cells are used. Taking all this into history, grownup root cells do non function as a sufficient option. ( Perspectives on Human Stem Cell Research KYU WON JUNG* ) Some fear that in instance the usage of excess embryos are allowed, over clip, the populace would take this for granted and would happen the desire to O.K. of them. On the other manus, if these embryos are viewed as occasional and ineluctable, it would keep the symbolic value of an embryo in the society. Human embryologic root cells the German argument. Engels EM Alternatively, some may believe that since embryos in some topographic points are non granted the option to be used, possibly they can be imported. If ethically, the usage of embryos is allowed, it would be appropriate for the import of root cells. Equally, in topographic points where the research on root cells is purely prohibited, the import could still be allowed since the harm is already done. However, this may be an inducement for the devastation of another embryo since the blessing of importing root cells could besides be viewed as a moral blessing for the research. If the import was allowed to take topographic point in states that did non O.K. of the derivation of the root cells, there would be some ethical incompatibilities. Human embryologic root cells the German argument. Engels EM However, there are plentifulness of statements for the usage of embryologic root cells. Approximately 80 % of human embryos do non attach themselves to the uterine wall and gestation is non successful. Therefore, it can be said that although each embryo does transport a alone genotype, it is non certain that each embryo will finally go an person. Besides, most scientists consider human life to get down at the visual aspect of the crude run ; the point at which nervous development is initiated. This development takes topographic point at about twenty-four hours 14 of fertilisation even though there is no individual consensus that confirms so. ( Perspectives on Human Stem Cell Research KYU WON JUNG* ) Aboard this, it is merely after several unit of ammunitions of cell division that the cell lines are designated to either the placenta or embryo. Even after this, the fertilized ovum might split giving rise to twins but still keeping the fact that that at this phase the embryo can still non be considered as an person. In assorted beings, surveies have indicated that due to familial mosaicism, it is non really frequently that two embryos unify together giving rise to one fetus. In many instances, parents do let research to be carried out on the embryos that are left over from IVF. However, if parents do non give their consent to this, the embryos would be frozen in storage and would so be discarded old ages subsequently. ( UOE bioethics briefing ) With continued root cell research several medical jobs could be treated and even cured. Parkinson s disease, type I diabetes, spinal cord hurts, and birth defects are merely some of the conditions that can be resolved. ( http: // ) Frequently, faith plays a major function in 1s belief. For illustration, in 2004, when George Bush was elected president of the United Sates of America, the Protestant Christian and the Republican party opposed research on root cells. ( UOE bioethics briefing ) Claiming to support human life to those embryos that were traveling to be discarded at birthrate clinics, Bush merely allowed the usage of 21 root cell lines that had been produced before his determination. However, President Obama removed this prohibition against the research on embryologic root cells in 2009 since medical miracles do non go on merely by accident, and promised that the lost land would be made up for under his disposal. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Islamic Iran is a state where the spiritual Grand Ayatollah, has highest spiritual and legislative power this is really different when compared to the other Islamic states. Most of the state s opinion and pattern is dependent on the faith. Islam describes the sanctity of the embryo in the uterus in the Quran. In 2002 nevertheless, the Grand Ayatollah declared that root cell research may go on in Iran. Saudi Arabia on the other manus perform IVFs on a regular footing, nevertheless, bring forthing embryos in order to destruct is purely prohibited so merely embryos that have been lawfully aborted can be utilised. The thought of utilizing excess IVF embryos for research is still problematic. ( Ethical Aspects of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Researchin the Islamic World: Positions and Contemplations ) Decision Human embryologic root cells have become prevalent in today s society due to their priceless belongingss. With their ability to self-renew and bring forth multilineage cell lines, these cells have the potency of transporting the name of scientific discipline to a new degree. Their ability to limitlessly provide hold made their research field a quickly developing one. Research workers are non merely working to deducing the cells but keeping them excessively. Experiments are being carried out in the hope to happen replies to assorted diseases from palsy to Alzheimer s disease. While discoursing ethical and legal issues, it is imperative that the scientific discipline that takes topographic point behind it is kept in head. As scientific discipline advancements, the ethical and legal system besides changes. Everything has its ain benefits and bounds. Given that there are rigorous guidelines overlooking all the possible issues which may do a job, all researches should be able to co-exist freely. For this a universe broad regulated system should be effectual. One that would include regulations and ordinances, adverting how many yearss old a blasto

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Stock and Market Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stock and Market Analysis - Assignment Example The data used in this report were formulated with the assistance of a mixture of tools such as journals, required books, Google, Yahoo, Finviz and general knowledge of the markets and companies. With the use of Finviz, I formulated some portfolios to research about the rate of performances of each stock over the past several months. The following chart portrays the total returns of each portfolio from highest to lowest. Data collection was stopped on December 3, 2014. According to the graph, the best overall performing portfolio was â€Å"Supermarket† and the worst performing portfolio was â€Å"Group†. Canada is a high tech industrial country which can be ranked as the trillion dollar class.The economic status of Canada is simillar to the united states econimic status whereby it contains certain economic features that simillar.The features include the pattern of production, market-oriented economic system and the high living standards.The growth of the Canada economic status is experienced since the world war II whereby the extensive growth of the mining, manufacturing and service sectors has made the country to transform from a rural economy into industrial and urban economic system. The 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the 1989 US-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA) significantly triggered the growth of the Canada’s economic nature. The treaty included the Mexican country. The treaty led to the dramatic increase in economic and trade integration with the United States making it the principal trading partner for Canada. The country’s score over tim e has been as shown below: Canada enjoys extensive trade surplus with the United States whereby the trade absorbs about three-fourths of Canadian merchandise exports each year. The United States largest foreign supplier of energy, including oil, gas, uranium, and electric power is Canada.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Compared two animation film Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Compared two animation film - Term Paper Example As animation designers or builders, animators work with various characters and special effects; harmonize them to coordinate them into an uninterrupted film. Furthermore, animation designers have to control all the relevant parts of the animation employing their personal unique styles of expression. Hence concerning this prose, in order to produce a puppet animation, the animation must be harmonized all actors involved, music, camera techniques, stories, soundtracks, and other special effects that they may deem fit for the film. However, the most significant element in very animation film is who the designer was, or whom they worked with as team to make the film successful. This is particularly true because different artists have difference backgrounds and experience; these have an immense effect in the animation (Wells 199). Kawamoto Kihachiro and Jiri Trinka are unique and significant puppet animation creators perhaps more than any other artist before or during their time. Whereas a Kawamoto is a student of Trinka, there are so many similarities in their artistic works (Masao 25). Nonetheless, their works also have notable differences. Both artists established their techniques and unique styles employing diverse cultural identity values. In film animations, the works or the themes are based on children’s illustration books as well as executive producers. This distinctiveness makes the stories they intend to convey to be unique as compared to other animation films (Wells 123). Again, both Kawamoto Kihachiro and Jiri Trinka reflect cultural and personal aspirations into their artworks. Through this, the artists inject a completely new dimension into the animated films. Both Kawamoto Kihachiro and Jiri Trinka have a similar background in illustration career. They have been in this field for a considerable duration. Prior to directing own animations, the duo

Monday, November 18, 2019

Reading response 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reading response 2 - Essay Example The issue was that: does TV makes the viewer dumber or smarter? Stevens position was more inclined to side with the latter. Thus, her attack on Johnsons theory as particularly highlighted in the title, where she called the TV "idiot box". Her main arguments were the impact of advertisements as well as the misrepresentations of certain groups such as Muslims in TV shows. The rest were mainly her personal opinion based from her experience watching the medium. I was looking for an empirical evidence that proved Stevens position. But there was none. As part of the TV audience, I am interested about this aspect. Has it been scientifically proven that TV makes us dumber? In my observation Stevens was correct to say that there are harmful TV contents or materials that are plainly stupid. However, her position treats the public as unthinking mass who is not able to distinguish rubbish from good and just absorb everything that TV shows have to offer. I think that TV makes us smarter. It provides information. It is up to us to analyze and make use of each and every data, whether to reject it or use it as part of our

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Impact of Texting on Language

Impact of Texting on Language The English language as you may know is evolving since the beginning, one read of Beowulf or The Canterbury Tales is enough to be reminded of how far removed we are from the language of our ancestors. Texting is the next step in evolution of English language so we should be cautious about it. There are two main arguments about text messaging. One is that text messaging is impacting the English language by impacting teenagers ability to write English using proper punctuation and spelling. The opposing position is, of course, that it does not impact English language and in some way might actually enhance it. Perhaps as we document and collect works of writers and leaders, texts will be abbreviation rich. Future generations would have to study and analyze those abbreviations to understand them. It is accurate to say that the use of texting impacts teenagers language skills which in turn can impact our English language. Language Skills: Some researchers have begun exploring how text messaging affects students language skills and surprisingly, they find a positive correlation. One study done by the professor Clare Wood at Coventry University in Britain found that 11-year-olds who used the most textism (texting language) were actually better at spelling and writing. A command of texting seems to indicate a broader facility for language, and these students seem to switch easily between text messaging and Standard English. Not only that, the study also showed that children who regularly texted showcased a richer vocabulary and gain creativity. She believes that its all misconceptions that text messages are all made up of abbreviated words (Wood, Plester Joshi, 2009). However, this is one of the misconceptions. Professor Clare Wood thinks that texting has a positive impact on teenagers language skills, but these seem a bit extreme. Some studies find this to be the opposite. Drew Cingle and S. Shyam Sundar conducted research at Penn State University. Both authors argued that the students who write in techspeak used shorthand phrases to compose a text message. They thought that writing in techspeak would prevent persons ability to go from techspeak to normal rules of grammar. Based on their data from over 500 students from middle school, they concluded that our data supports that there is a decline in grammar scores. Cingle gives reader personal example from his two younger nieces. He indicates that their text messages were incomprehensible and that he had ask them what they were trying to get out of that message. The message was incomprehensible because the use of shorthand phrases, he said (Cingle Sundar). I agree with Professor Clare on how texting develops creativity through the use of shortcuts. However, Clare Wood has to realize that teenagers are actually making their own language through texting and that language is different from English. Shortcuts used are not that easy to understand as Clare thinks. Even Cingle mentions that he couldnt read his nieces text. And not only that, Sundar and Cingles study proves that texting could also impact grammar. It is true that not everyone can be affected; some can even benefit from it. However, this is something that should be taken into considerations. Since more and more teenagers are starting to use shortcuts. Another research done by Joan Lee undermines Clare Woods research. Joan Lee did study to find the impact of texting on language skills. Based on her data, her results proved that the students who texted more were less likely to incorporate new vocabulary. Her results also proved that students who read newspaper or media were likely to gain more vocabulary. Our assumption about texting is that it encourages unconstrained language, Lee argues, but the study found this to be a myth. Lee argues that reading print media exposes people to variety and  creativity  in language that is not found in text messaging used among youth (Lee). Study done by professor Clare Wood provided some good evidence on vocabulary. I agree with her on how students can gain vocabulary by texting. However, the professor didnt realize that the vocabulary expands upon first using communication device due to some unique words used in texting. However, the vocabulary size levels off as the person knows most of the words that are unique to texting. After that, the person will use same group of vocabulary over and over again. If the Wood did his study many times then the result could have been the opposite. Since the teenagers vocabulary isnt expanding, this means that more words are going extinct and fewer words are being added to our language. Even Cingle and Joan Lees studies hold some limitations. Since the study was done on small population, the results are not generalizable. However, both researches lay the groundwork for future studies. One thing can be certain for sure and that is texting does impact students language skills to a small extent. Addiction: Texting language is no different from other innovative forms of written expression that have emerged in the past (Crystal).    Some linguists are optimistic about the use of texting. Despite doom-laden prophecies, texting has not been the disaster language many feared, argues linguistics Professor David Crystal. On the contrast, it improves childrens writing and spelling. In his book he mentions that students know when to switch from texting to writing an essay for class. He believes that text messages are not made up of abbreviated words (Crystals). Txting is an informative book that really explains the history of abbreviations and acronyms. David Crystal points out a lot of such abbreviations that we tend to take for granted. However, I disagree with some of his opinions that texting is really not a problem. He doesnt go into any detail about how obsessive people can get when it comes to texting. Dr. Greenfield, a psychologist and expert on technology addiction, mentions in his book Virtual Addiction that texting is a form of addiction. Every text is novel and changeable and it is this novelty and unpredictability that creates the pleasurable dopamine  [1]  hit that chemically locks in the reinforcement  [2]  . The fact that you cannot predict what and when you will get a desirable text creates addictive reinforcement experience, and it is this phenomenon that seems to help lock-in a compulsive pattern of text use. Therefore, addition leads to the decrease in performance (Greenfield). Again, the book Txing is mostly a critique on language and how it is affected by texting, but to think that texting is not problematic is a bit naive. David Crystal sees texting as whimsical and creative, but he must acknowledge the social and emotional implications as well. Addiction also plays role. Addiction leads to the downfall of language skills not just by limited use of texting but in order for texting to impact teenagers, teenagers have to text almost every day until it becomes their habit. Those abbreviations become their habit and teens will start using it everywhere, where its not needed. Those abbreviations are then slowly incorporated into their everyday language. It is hard to understand addiction unless you have experienced it (Hensley). The texting language is slowly pouring into English language. Language is evolving; however the consequences could be unpredictable. Caution should be taken regarding texting.What would you do if you opened up a book to see nothing but chat speak? Personally, I would be terrified. In response to this new generation of language, the latest update of the Oxford Dictionaries Online has published new additions of words, definitions and abbreviations consisting of the initial letters of expressions (made popular through their frequent use in text messaging, an other forms of technological communications such as in social-networking sites and emails) such as OMG and LOL. These new internet and text inspired expressions are now legitimately margining into our English language, which demonstrates how much texting has impact our language. And not only that, when I write essays, I often write r u instead of Are you. So the texting messaging is also impacting language skills. Everything boils d own to language. Every abbreviation that teenagers use is impacting our English language. Literature is likely to become as abbreviated as teenagers attention span. The arguments from both sides are very strong. Linguistic David Crystal argues very effectively to tell readers that texting does not affect language. However, his results were mostly based on interviews which are not reliable because since the interview questions tend to seek opinions. Instead research should be conducted to find the accurate results. Joan Lee and Sundar point out some interesting points regarding texting and language skills. Based on their results, one thing is certain for sure, and that is that text messaging has had an impact on Standard English and on peoples language skills, slight or great. It is the addiction that makes texting a habit for teenagers. Text speak will seem normal in 50 years time. Perhaps there will be a 21st-century edition of Shakespeares collected works featuring 2B/not 2B and the Oxford English Dictionary will define 2thless and 1derment.   Some students seem to have difficulties keeping the language of text messaging separate from t he Standard English, and whether Standard English will change as a result of this remains to be seen.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Skin Cancer :: Skin Cancer Essays

Gone are the days when people sent children outside to play to get a little color in their cheeks. They know too much about the dangers of unprotected sun exposure and the threat of skin cancer. Or do they? Despite the fact that 58% of parents remembered hearing about the importance of protecting their children from the sun, children are still playing in the sun without sunscreen or protective clothing (3., p 1). Sunburn is the most preventable risk factor of skin cancer. Skin type and family history cannot be changed. Protection from the sun and education of the potential hazards of the sun need serious attention. The American Cancer Society estimates that over 1,000,000 cases of skin cancer will occur in the United States this year. Of those cases, they predict that over 10,000 will end in death (4., p 1). Apparently, Americans still do not have an adequate amount of prevention information to help reduce the disfigurement and mortality from this cancer. Exposure to the ultraviolet radiation from the sun is the most frequently blamed source of skin cancer. Due to the reduction of ozone in the earth’s atmosphere, UV radiation is higher today than it was several years ago. Ozone serves as a filter to screen out and reduce the UV light that reaches the earth’s surface and its people. Very simply, sunburn and UV light can damage the skin and lead to skin cancer (1., p 1). The American Cancer Society also faulted repeated exposure to x-rays, artificial forms of UV radiation like tanning beds, and contact with chemicals like coal tar and arsenic as other causes of skin cancer (4., p 1). Additionally, if there is a history of skin cancer in the family, an individual may be at a higher risk (1., p 1). Individuals who have experienced only one serious sunburn have increased their risk of skin cancer by as much as 50% (1., p 4). There are three main types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. Basal cell carcinoma usually imposes itself on areas of the skin that have been exposed to the sun. It usually appears as a small raised bump with a smooth shiny surface. Another type resembles a scar that is firm to the touch. Although this specific type of skin cancer may spread to tissue directly surrounding the cancer area, it usually does not spread to other areas of the body (9.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Pomina-Vietnam Analasys

Pomina Steel Company was established in 1999 with chartered capital 42 billion VND and the capacity of 300,000 tons/ year. Their main businesses are iron and steel production, recycling of scrap metal and trading of steel products. Pomina is one of the most trustworthy brands in producing steel in the south of Viet Nam and is the first firm in the south gets 2 certificates about quality and environment ISO 9001, ISO 14001. Start up in Binh Duong was considered like the good land to grow the firm.They put the quality on the top of concern to create the difference and the comparative advantages in the intensive competitive environment, so the founders has selected to invest in leading technological lines of steel lamination is Vai-Pomini and Simac from Italy. In 2002, Pomina can provide for the market above 600,000 tons of laminating steel per year. In 2005 Pomina invested in Phu My industrial zone to build the draft refining company with the capacity 500,000 tons/ year.This was also t he first refining company using Consteel technology in Viet Nam and the 20th in the world. In 2007, the total capacity of Pomina’s companies reached 500,000 tons of refining and 600,000 tons of laminating per year. Besides serving domestic customers, Pomina also exported to Cambodia and by 2006, the revenue of exportation was 20 million USD. In July 2009, Pomina increased the chartered capital to 820 billion VND by separate issue and they were accepted as a public company by The State Securities Commission.On the other hand, Pomina run a lot of social activities and charity in trying helping poor people, which make them have a lot of favor from society, customers and create the development more and more. In April 2010, Pomina made its initial public offer on the HCM City Stock Exchange (HOSE) with the par value of 48,000 VND per share. The list code of the company is POM. The number of listed shares was 80 million shares and separate issue of 10 million shares for institution that want to invest.

Friday, November 8, 2019

5 Tips For Landing an Administrative Assistant Job

5 Tips For Landing an Administrative Assistant Job There were just under four million jobs for administrative assistants in the United States in 2012, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While this may sound like a lot, its important to consider another equally important factor: the many people seeking out these sought after positions. What can you do to gain the inside edge on the competition? Lets take a closer look at five ways to land the administrative assistant job of your dreams.1. Study UpWhile some employers require no further education than a high school degree, most prefer additional education and/or certifications that indicate additional motivation and competency. Check into coursework in basic office, computer, and grammar skills at your local community college or technical school.If you aspire toward an administrative assistant job in an industry-specific field, such as law or medicine, specialized coursework in this area may be required.2. Intern or VolunteerMany key administrative assistant skills are learne d during on-the-job training. By gaining these skills during an internship or as a volunteer, you offer employers a fast-track to productivity. You will still require some office-specific training, but more general work such as computer programs and preparing office documents will be covered.Not sure where to begin when it comes to finding an internship or volunteer opportunity? Check in with your schools career center.3. Refine Your ResumeThe best resumes are targeted to specific jobs. If you are applying for an administrative assistant position, be sure your resume covers all of the skills required to do the job. These include everything from technical skills to soft skills, such as the ability to interact well with others, organization, and integrity.4. Work Your ConnectionsAdministrative assistants are at work in nearly every single industry. In short, where theres an office, theres an administrative assistant.One of the best ways to find vacancies and gain a jump on the comp etition is by leveraging pre-existing relationships. Let friends, family members, and other people in your network both online and in person know that youre looking for an administrative assistant job. This way if they hear of a new opening, they can pass the information along to you. Your connections are also valuable referrals and references.5. Present ProfessionallyAs an administrative assistant, you will be a representative of your company, so a neat, polished appearance is essential. And dont forget about the importance of eye contact when meeting with hiring managers. The more competent and personable impression you make, the more likely you are to land the job.While the competition for administrative jobs is steep, its far from insurmountable. These five tips can position you for success in your search for a fulfilling career as an administrative assistant.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Establish The Structure, Duties And Reponsabilities Of An EHS Committe Coursework

Establish The Structure, Duties And Reponsabilities Of An EHS Committe Coursework Establish The Structure, Duties And Reponsabilities Of An EHS Committe – Coursework Example Introduction Environmental Health and Safety Committees are usually formulated to facilitate the provision safety measures to various environments i.e. in schools, working environments et cetera. The committee is made of a distinct structure that usually suits the needs and specific roles of the Committee. In Abu Dhabi, there is an EHS Committee that is charged with the management of the environmental safety measures of the City. This discussion will entail establishing a similar structure and highlight the roles and responsibilities of this committee.1. The Executive Council2. Environmental Health and Safety Committee3. Competent Authority4. Target Sector5. Regulatory AuthoritiesThe Executive Council: This is the highest authority in Land it is usually managed by governmental departments that sets overall environmental, health and safety laws for various companies and organizations in their respective countries.Environmental, Health and Safety Committee: This is the committees that is charge of formulating EHS rules, proposals, guidelines and provide expert advice. The committee is usually comprised of people with the appropriate knowledge and skills on issues ascribed to Environmental, Health and Safety guidelines.The Competent Authority: This is the qualified team that is also mandated to undertake the management of various environmental health and safety concerns. The Competent Authority may involve stakeholders like Environmental Health Auditors, environmental safety experts, monitoring and evaluation officers et cetera. Other duties that are usually undertaken by the Competent Authority are: Environmental Auditing, environmental quality checks, training on issues ascribed to environmental health and safety Management. Example of the Competent Authority is the Abu Dhabi Environmental Health and Safety Committee.The Target Sector: This is the target area that is usually guided or benefit from the Environmental, Health and Safety Authorities. They include st akeholders like; tourism sector, the health sector, different employment sectors such as non-governmental organizations and governmental organizations. The Target sector may also include learning institutions et cetera.Regulatory Authorities: This is the enforcement body that is charged with the responsibility of ensuring the EHS rules and regulations are implemented to the latter. They involve organs like administrative authorities, support functions as well as advisory organs that are composed of experts in regard to environmental, health and safety issues.Work Cited"2. Environmental Health and Safety Committee." 2. Environmental Health and Safety Committee. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 July 2014.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Property Law Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Property Law Assignment - Essay Example the existence of a resulting trust in situations where the plaintiff has clearly made a contribution towards the purchase price of the property, despite the fact that they have not been entered onto the property register. This equitable presumption is based on the notion that the person contributing towards the property must have expected to acquire an interest in that property, in proportion to the money expended2. Lord Diplock in Gissing v Gissing3 made the point that A resulting, implied or constructive trust†¦is created by a transaction between the trustee and the cestui que trust in connection with the acquisition by the trustee of a legal estate in land, whenever the trustee has so conducted himself that it would be inequitable to allow him to deny the cestui que trust a beneficial interest in the land acquired. It should be noted that in this particular case Alice did not contribute to the purchase price of the property, even though she did spend her inheritance on improvements within the property. As there was no direct contribution towards the purchase price Alice would have to rely on the principle of constructive trusts to assert her claim. Under the law of constructive trusts the applicant must prove that they expected to acquire an interest in the property, either by their actions or by money paid towards the maintenance or improvement of the property. Cases that have succeeded are those were the applicant has paid towards household bills or has spent their own money on repairs within the property5. in determining whether a constructive trust can be averred the court will often take into account the conduct of the parties. The court will look for evidence to support an assertion that the applicant has acted in their detriment in reliance of an expectation of having a beneficial interest in the property. The court determined this to be the case in Lloyd’s Bank Plc v Rosset6, in which the court found that work carried out by the applicant on the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

System enhancement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

System enhancement - Essay Example re cases when the previous ticket is nicely documented, the engineer is even able to find troubleshooting commands as well as specifics on how to solve the customer’s issue. Escalation engineers are usually the best resort for the TAC engineer but, given the ratio of escalation persons to TAC engineers, a TAC engineer will ONLY reach out to his escalations when he doesn’t know the answer, or is unable to locate a Cisco document that would solve his issue and is not able to find a similar previous ticket or at least a previous ticket with valuable and relevant information. Topic tool, however, is at the TAC engineers’ disposal at any time and readily available with a tremendous amount of information. The real challenge is being able to search for the information you need and be able to find the answers you want on topic in the shortest time possible. The goal is not only to solve a case but to solve it quickly. Experience has shown that the more information added to the topic database and the shorter the time required to find that information equals the shorter the resolution time. This enhanced the overall customer’s experience with TAC. In some cases, the customer is a person with more experience than the TAC engineer himself but they still call in with a firm belief that their issue will be resolved because they know that a TAC engineer has the resources and will be able to find the answer from a previous ticket, filed notice, or a documented bug, all of which reside on our topic database. Out of all the resources available for TAC engineers there is consensus among TAC engineers that they get most of the answers to resolve their cases from the information found on the topic tool. The goal of this proposal is to make topic search a richer tool by adding more information to it, hence enabling TAC engineers to find solutions to a wider spectrum of issues. Based on my investigation, research and discussions with other engineers I found that an engineer